Championing, Training, and Resourcing Disciple-Makers
The Multiply Network exists to inspire, initiate, resource, and champion church multiplication in our PAOC family. We desire to see every Canadian have an access point to the Gospel. You can help make that possible.

How can the Multiply Network resource you?
Whether you’re just thinking about it, or you’re ready to move forward, this is your next step. We are here to help take the guesswork out of church multiplication.
We provide experienced mentorship and high quality resources to make this journey as successful as possible.
– Paul Fraser, Multiply Network Co-ordinator
Steps to Plant
Take the first steps toward planting a new disciple-making community by taking an assessment, connecting with a Multiply Network Rep, gaining PAOC credentials, and familiarizing yourself with the Multiply Network.
Resource Library
Our resources are meant to champion you on this church planting journey. Here you’ll find content from experienced church leaders who want to see you succeed. Still not sure about planting? See what other leaders are saying.
Recent Resources
Here are some resources that will be very helpful for you and your leaders in whatever stage of the church multiplication journey you are in.
So every Canadian can have an access point to the gospel.
It’s a community of 80,000 people, 16 per cent of them with English as their first language. So the question became: why NOT plant a church right here where we live?
“Our location was always settled in our hearts, but it took God’s hand to make it happen.”
“Church planting appealed to my husband and I for a few reasons. We are both very entrepreneurial and have ideas continually flooding our minds on new adventures to begin. The idea of being able to use these qualities for the kingdom truly was, to us, the opportunity of a lifetime.”
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Click here to view resources created by our experienced church planting team.